Riveted snake bone Patent technology

Safer single-use endoscopes

Full-chain endoscopy technology platform

Delivering reusable performance at disposable prices.

01 Modul und videolabor-plattform

Micro Module Packages

Global Leadership, Clearer Images

02 Die au - algorithmus

Automatic Cancer Identification

Leading composite technology, more accurate and smarter

Electromagnetic real-time three-dimensional navigation

Leading composite technology, more accurate and smarter

03 Snake bottom tech plattform

Snake bone riveting technology

Global Leadership for Better Handling

One-piece molded composite insertion tube

Passive bending technology

04 Auf der bühne für funktionale bildgebung

Special Light Imaging

Special Light Imaging

Micro Ultrasound Imaging


05 Design für sicherheit

Bending lock paddle technology

Own exclusive, good security

Opto-electromagnetic isolation technology